Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Posautive my way...

For various reasons, including never before having tried to post a video in my blog (& being too tired to figure it out right now), Brendan having had another rough day, &... did I mention that I'm tired (?), I am going to do a different spin on the Posautive posting that Kev requested. Having inadvertantly revealed my family's names (heretofore referred to by their initials) a few weeks ago, I'm gonna go all the way & post some pictures of Brendan, my autistic son, & Charlie & myself doing some very positive things :) As much as I've been wary of posting current pictures on my kid on the internet, I am also very proud to share pictures of my beautiful boy.

The one above is of Charlie with Brendan when he was about 18 months old. His nickname at the time was "fluffer duck", due to that fluffy yellow hair...

This was from our visit to a glass museum last April during Spring break. Brendan took a glass-blowing workshop & made an ornament that hangs in our living-room window now.

This summer Brendan learned to weave on my floor loom, something he'd been wanting to do ever since I got it 4 years ago, since he's mad for machines. We wove a blanket together, & although his motor-planning issues made it difficult to learn the sequence of movements necessary to treadle with feet & throw the shuttle with hands, he had it down after a couple sessions & got to really enjoy the process of weaving. We're planning to make another one during the holiday break.

Here we are as Professors Dumbledore & McGonagal with one of our students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry :) Brendan had practically outgrown his wizard robe but struggled back into it for a friend's birthday party last summer. We are currently working on a new wizard's robe for him out of blue fabric... more in the Adventure Quest vein than HP, though.

...And here are Charlie & Brendan block-&-tackling our sailboat back onto the haulout after winning Brendan's very first sailboat race last September, on Labour Day.

Our life with Brendan is never dull, & I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!!


At 12:08 AM, Blogger kristina said...

The loom looks magnificent! And the boy working at it, too....... I made a reference to Kassiane's post on the videos at the bottom of my latest (good day with one rough spot that involved......security personnel).

At 2:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks really positive to me. :-) Nice family.


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