Sunday, March 11, 2007

Whee! The podcast is up!!

Back in January I posted about being interviewed about being an autism mom for a radio programme that is produced by our local Unitarian Universalist churches. The show aired a few weeks later & I was really pleased by how well my friend, Santosha (who had interviewed me for the show) had managed to get my "posautive" message across in the editing of the show & since then I have been waiting as patiently as possible for the podcast of the show to go up. Well, the "Life Now Radio" site has been revamped & all of the podcasts are up. The audio may be found (for listening online) here or go to the "stories" page for downloading. There have been very positive responses to the show & I am delighted. I feel very strongly about trying to get a different message across, than, say, the one shown in the "Autism Every Day" film :( I would very much like to make the hopeful message, that life can be wonderful with an autistic person in your life, more widely heard. It's a small voice in a big world, but now it's out there!

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At 12:57 AM, Blogger Anne Corwin said...

I downloaded the podcast last night and listened to it today. I liked how the person interviewing you seemed to be quite receptive to the neurodiversity-positive message, and how you pointed out that it's a misconception that acceptance means "doing nothing".

At 1:33 PM, Blogger The Jedi Family of Blogs said...

Thanks for taking the time to listen, Anne!

The interviewer's perspctive may be due to her being a good friend, & is also hopefully due to to our openness with our church community about our family journey with autism. I suspect for many folks at church we may be the only people they know personally who are living with autism, & I'm hoping our particular attitude is causing ripples throughout the community.

I had no idea how she was going to edit 1 1/2 hours of conversation into a little more than 20 minutes of show & was very pleased by how much of what I really wanted to say made it in... :)


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